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国立大学法人群馬大学 大学院医学系研究科 医学部医学科
国立大学法人群馬大学 大学院医学系研究科 医学部医学科

内分泌代謝内科学 <臨床医学領域 内科学講座>
Endocrinology and Metabolism <Clinical Medicine Department of Internal Medicine>


当教室は、内分泌代謝・糖尿病学を専門としています。研究においては、対象疾患の臨床研究に加え、手術検体のオミクス解析、conditional knockout mouseなどのモデル動物や種々のin vitro実験系を用い、対象疾患の病態に関する分子標的や遺伝子制御を解明し、新規の診断法や治療法の開発を目指しています。また、疫学研究も盛んで、疾患発症・予後予測因子を統計解析し先制医療を目指しています。医学部・大学院教育も積極的に行っております。附属病院では、「内分泌・糖尿病内科」の外来・入院を担当しています。群馬県を中心に北関東の医療機関から診断や治療に難渋する症例が多く紹介され、内分泌機能検査、画像診断や遺伝子診断などを用いて迅速に診断を行い、最先端の糖尿病デバイスなどを駆使した治療を行っています。厚労省や学会のガイドライン等の策定に多く関与しています。

Our research goal is to elucidate the molecular targets and the regulation of molecules related to the pathology of endocrine and metabolic disease, which includes the thyroid, pituitary, adrenal disease and diabetes. Through our findings, we are aiming to establish the novel diagnosis and treatment methods in the endocrinology and metabolism. For this purpose, we are performing the omics analysis of the resected specimen from the endocrine surgery, and the laboratory works using the in vivo models (including conditional knockout mouse) and many kinds of in vitro experiments. Also, we are focusing on the statistical analysis of epidemiological information for the predictors of disease onset and/or outcomes, to pursue the preemptive medicine.
In the program of Graduate School of Medicine, we are in charge of the lectures and practices of clinical endocrinology and metabolism and so on. In the University Hospital, we are taking care of the in- and out-patients in the Endocrinology and Metabolism Division. We receive a lot of referrals about the hard-to-diagnosed and difficult-to-treated patients from the clinics and hospitals around Gunma Prefecture. Our principle in the clinical service is performing rapid diagnoses using methods such as endocrine function tests, imaging diagnostics, genetic testing, and the latest medical equipment for diabetes. We are in charge of formulation of clinical guidelines by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and the Japan Endocrine Society.

スタッフ Staff

分野主任(診療教授)Director 山田 英二郎YAMADA Eijiro
(Graduate School of Health Science)
小澤 厚志OZAWA Atsushi
講師(診療准教授) Associate professor 堀口 和彦HORIGUCHI Kazuhiko
准教授(生体調節研究所)Associate professor
(Institute for Molecular and Cellular Regulation)
石田 恵美ISHIDA Emi
助教(病院講師) Assistant Professor
(Associate professor(Hospital))
松本 俊一MATSUMOTO Shunichi
助教(病院講師)Assistant Professor
(Associate professor(Hospital))
吉野 聡YOSHINO Satoshi
助教(保健学研究科)Assistant Professor
(Graduate School of Health Science)
土岐 明子TOKI Akiko
助教 (地域医療研究・教育センター) Assistant Professor
(Center of Regional Medical Research and Education)
錦戸 彩加NISHIKIDO Ayaka