麻酔神経科学 <臨床医学領域 麻酔神経科学講座>
Anesthesiology <Clinical Medicine Department of Anesthesiology>
Department of Anesthesiology has been working on perioperative patient care. Recently, the responsibility is expanding in complicated pain management, intensive care and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Research topics of our department are also corresponding this trend and are extending from pharmacology and mechanism of anesthesia to pain conducting mechanism. Staff members are working on these topics clinically and experimentally by using most brand-new and innovative approaches.
スタッフ Staff
分野主任・教授 Director/Professor | 齋藤 繁 SAITO Shigeru |
准教授Associate Professor | 麻生 知寿 ASO Chizu |
准教授Associate Professor | 須藤 貴史 SUTO Takashi |
助教 Assistant Professor | 山田 真紀子YAMADA Makiko |
助教 Assistant Professor | 三枝 里江 MIEDA Rie |
助教 Assistant Professor | 堀内 辰男 HORIUCHI Tatsuo |
助教 Assistant Professor | 太田 浄 OHTA Jo |
助教 Assistant Professor | 本田 善孝 HONDA Yoshitaka |
助教 Assistant Professor | 菊池 悠希KIKUCHI Yuuki |
助教 Assistant Professor | 菅原 健志郎SUGAHARA Kenshiro |